
Showing posts from August, 2022

Auswahl der richtigen Bohrkrone fur Ihre Explorationskernbohrungen

  Der eigentliche Bohrprozess einer Explorationskernbohrung findet immer erst ganz am Ende des Vorhabens statt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde bereits eine große Menge an Ressourcen aufgewendet, um überhaupt so weit zu kommen. Daher ist es von größter Bedeutung, dass der gewonnene Kern von ausreichender Qualität ist, um eine potenzielle Mine zu bewerten. Das bedeutet, dass die Auswahl der Bohrkerne genau richtig sein muss, um sicherzustellen, dass keine weiteren Ressourcen verschwendet werden. Die Auswahl der Bohrkrone richtet sich in der Regel nach der Größe und Tiefe des Bohrlochs sowie nach der Härte des Gesteins, das gebohrt werden soll, nach der Kapazität des verwendeten Bohrgeräts und natürlich nach den Fähigkeiten des Bohrmeisters. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die richtige Entscheidung treffen, sollten Sie sich die drei wichtigsten Bohrkronen ansehen, die bei Explorationskernbohrungen verwendet werden, und sich über ihre Vor- und Nachteile informieren. Imprägnierte Diamantboh

Are You Suffering From A Shoulder Injury? Ten Things You Should Know About A Rotator Cuff Tear

  A Rotator cuff tear is a very common shoulder injury. In fact, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), nearly 2 million people in the United States visit doctors each year due to pain in the rotator cuff. Many seek out treatment from board certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Tulsa since they are specifically trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of shoulder injuries.   Rotator cuff tears involve a tear or a partial tear on one of the tendons that make up the four rotator cuff muscles (infraspinatus, subscapularis, supraspinatus, teres minor). While some people do not experience discomfort, others find them very painful. Additionally, they can sometimes limit range of motion and cause weakness during lifting or rotation of the arm. This can make every day activities like carrying or reaching for things, brushing your hair, or even getting dressed, difficult.   Rotator cuff tears are caused by a variety of things including normal age-related degenera

What Is a Rotator Cuff Tear and How Do I Know If I Have a Rotator Cuff Injury? 5 Common Symptoms

  Located in the shoulder area of the upper body, the rotator cuff is comprised of four tendons, the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor. The four tendons join together to form the rotator cuff tendon. The tendons attach to the greater tuberosity of the humerus. The supraspinatus tendon is the most common site of injury for a rotator cuff tear and is identified as the watershed region of blood flow. Rotator cuff injuries including tears and tendinitis are common among many athletes and also increase in frequency as people get older due to age-induced degeneration. Engagement in physical activities like baseball, tennis and rowing can sometimes lead to shoulder injury due to overuse. According to data reported by the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons ( Orthopaedic Surgeon Tulsa ), between 1998 and 2004 over 5 million visits to doctors in the United States were attributed to some type of rotator cuff tear, injury or related problem. This number repr

Medical Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

  Treating adhesive capsulitis can take time and sometimes the symptoms associated with frozen shoulder can stay with a person for many months and even years. Treatment for frozen shoulder is typically based on the severity of the condition. Your orthopedic doctor can assess whether you have shoulder contracture and recommend a good treatment regimen based on your condition. There are certain shoulder exercises that may be helpful for adhesive capsulitis, and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs and cortisone injections may also prove beneficial. Back Pain: Groundbreaking 3D Models Help in Pre-Surgical Planning People who suffer from back pain know how difficult it can be to discover the exact problems within their backs. Even more difficult is finding the right treatment. Often chiropractic therapies are effective because their holistic approach in actually handling the spine of a conscious patient. An experienced chiropractor has a sort of sixth sense aided by an enh

Orthopaedics Claims - An Overview

  Orthopaedics is the branch of medicine concerned with the joints and bones. The aim of orthopaedics is to diagnose and treat deformities or injuries which occur in these areas. Every year Orthopaedic Center Tulsa surgeons successfully treat thousands of patients so that they can continue having an active and fulfilling lifestyle. With this number of procedures being carried out, it is almost inevitable that mistakes will be made. Though they happen relatively infrequently, the effect that a mistake can have on a patient's life can be huge. Orthopaedics claims Orthopaedics claims can be made for a number of different reasons. The most common reasons are a late or wrongly diagnosed problem, poor treatment, poor surgical technique, infection and sub-standard hygiene. In each of these cases the patient can be left with some very serious side effects. Orthopaedics claims are designed to award monetary compensation to victims of medical negligence. This compensation is designe

Pain Following Dislocated Shoulder: Learn More About Treatment Options From Orthopedic Surgeon

  If you dislocate your shoulder during a traumatic event, it is highly likely that you tore the ligament in your shoulder and stretched the capsule around your shoulder during your injury. When you tear the labral ligament in your shoulder, it makes your shoulder more vulnerable to becoming dislocated again. One of the functions of the shoulder's labral ligament is to keep the ball of the shoulder joint in the shoulder's shallow cup (called a glenoid). Following a tear of the labral ligament, your shoulder may feel unstable depending on the position of your arm. Most often, when you bring your arm behind your head, or put it in the same position you do when you wave goodbye, you are likely to feel shoulder instability. If you dislocated your shoulder, your treatment plan should include wearing a sling for up to 3 weeks, depending on the advice of your Orthopaedic Center Tulsa doctor. The sling keeps your shoulder immobilized in the external rotation position. Following th

Orthopaedic Treatment

  India offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the western countries. India has state of the art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors. With the best infrastructure, the best possible Medical facilities, accompanied with the most competitive prices, you can get the treatment done in India at the lowest charges.  Some common procedures for which international patient often travel to India are: A total hip replacement: - also called a hip arthroplasty- is an advanced surgical procedure that re-structures the hip joint region. Under this procedure the head of the femur (the bone that extends from the hip to the knee) is removed along with the surface layer of the socket in the pelvis ( Orthopaedic Center Tulsa ). The head of the femur bone, which is situated within the pelvis socket, is replaced with a metal ball and stem. This stem fits into the shaft of the femur. This socket is then replaced with a plastic or a metal and plastic cup. Hip replacement is indic

Medizinischer Notfallalarm "Panikknopfe" - Nichtfunktionieren

  Dies ist oder könnte für diejenigen von Ihnen von entscheidender Bedeutung sein, die Notrufsysteme oder so genannte "Panikknöpfe" zur Kontaktaufnahme mit der Notfallhilfe besitzen. Wenn Sie ein solches System haben, scheint es unter diesen Bedingungen einen grundlegenden Fehler zu haben: Die "Telefon"-Leitung, über die das Paniksignal an die Überwachungsstation gesendet wird, funktioniert über ein Kabelsystem, und Zum Zeitpunkt des Notfalls ist der Strom ausgefallen. Einige Anbieter sind: LifeLink, LifeWatch USA, Pioneer Emergency  Privatärztlicher Notdienst Wiesbaden , Medical Alert, Life Station und Philips LifeLine, um nur einige zu nennen, und bieten unter den meisten Umständen einen hervorragenden Schutz. Wenn jedoch der Strom ausfällt und ein Notfall eintritt, bei dem der Träger des Signalgebers oder des "Knopfes" diesen aktiviert, wird KEIN Telefonanruf durchgestellt. Warum, fragen Sie?  Wenn der Strom ausfällt, fällt auch der Kabelanschlu

Notfalldienste mit hochleistungsfahigen mobilen medizinischen Fahrzeugen

Bei einem medizinischen Notfall zählt jede Sekunde. Es geht um Leben und Tod, und vieles hängt von der mobilen medizinischen Einheit ab. Es sollte mit allen für den Notfall erforderlichen Geräten ausgestattet sein und schnell genug zum Patienten gelangen. Die mobile Einheit muss also nicht nur über erfahrene Ärzte verfügen, sondern auch mit der neuesten Technologie ausgestattet sein, die eine schnellere und einfachere Hilfeleistung ermöglicht. Da Informationen in diesem Zusammenhang von entscheidender Bedeutung sind, ist zu prüfen, welche EMS-Einheit am schnellsten reagieren könnte. Welches wäre die schnellste Route, gibt es einen Stau, gibt es Straßensperren, wie gut ist der Notfallort erreichbar, wie lange dauert es voraussichtlich, bis er erreicht ist, wie ist der Notfall und vieles mehr. Aus diesem Grund verlassen sich medizinische Teams zunehmend auf EMS- oder Emergency Medical Service-Einheiten, die über eine GPS-Fahrzeugverfolgungsfunktion v